Friday, June 29, 2012


OMGosh!!! It has been almost 4 months since I have been able to blog!  Where does the time go??  Wedding planning, working, summer and just life have been non-stop.

To catch everyone up ... here is a little bit of what went on over the past 4 months:

St. Patrick's day celebration in Saratoga Springs  :) and that is about all I can
remember from March!

Easter with the family!!

My 26th Birthday! 

via here
I have NO pictures from TAP this year!!  I even searched fellow tap goers facebook 
pages and NOTHING!  
I know there has to be a group picture out there somewhere!

BUT ...  this picture was in the TAP book this year!!
There we are! Me and my brother from TAP 2011! 
Please note: we are the only people with sunglasses on inside..HA!

CDPHP Workforce Team Challenge - this was such a fun event!!  It was a little over a 5k course through downtown Albany, NY that you run/walk with your co-workers.  About a half a mile into the race, I ran (pun intended) into my sister and got the finish the race with her!  It was awesome!

During Mother's Day weekend both mine and Trevor's family got together for
the day at my parents house:
It was so fun to see our niece(Trevor's side) and nephew(my side)
play together. 
I can't to see them at the wedding! They are our flower girl and
ring bearer!!

Me, Christina and Jamie
35th Freihofer's Run for Women - 5k run through downtown Albany.
This was mine and my sister, Christina's 2nd year doing the race. 

All the women lined up ready to go. 

Over 4,000 women from the Captain Region ran! It was a fabulous day to celebrate women!

Last, but definitely not least ...

This past weekend was my Wedding Shower and Bachelorette Party Part 1
This will be a whole other blog within itself, but I want to say Thank You to all my
amazing family and friends for making this day so special.  It was
absolutely perfect. 

p.s. I promise you will be hearing a lot more from us.  We have lots of adventures coming up over the next couple of months!

Wedding Countdown: 83 days!!