[fee-ahn-sey, fee-ahn-sey]noun
a man engaged to be married. Synonyms: future groom, futurehusband, future spouse, betrothed.
Is it weird that we hate the word Fiancé?? Now that we are engaged, we feel the obligation to introduce each other as "my Fiancé." We hate it! It is such an awkward word coming out of our mouths. Can we please just be married to we can refer to each other as husband and wife?
Fiancé sounds so snobish.
Like a pinky up
Poodle owning
We are sure most people don't feel like this, but we are weird. We sat here tonight and tried to call each other "Fiancé" and it was just uncomfortable.
Anyone else feel like this after they got engaged??
I loved it! I thought it sounded so fancy AND that boyfriend/girlfriend just didn't quite cut it anymore! ;)